Race Against the Clock: Confronting Miscarriages and Infertility With Unyielding Resolve

Race Against the Clock: Confronting Miscarriages and Infertility With Unyielding Resolve

Aug 05, 2024

Please be advised that this blog article contains content that may be triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised as the article discusses sensitive topics that could evoke strong emotional responses.

The Reality of Miscarriage and Infertility

Losing a pregnancy or struggling to conceive can make you feel like you're racing against time, with each month adding to the stress and sadness. Many people going through this feel a deep sense of grief and a strong desire for answers.

When dealing with infertility, society often puts pressure on you with unrealistic expectations and timelines, which just adds to the emotional weight. Every failed attempt, each negative test, and every missed chance can feel like a personal blow in this ongoing battle.

My Journey: From Heartache to Hope

In my own journey, dealing with miscarriage and infertility has been difficult yet eye-opening. After going through two miscarriages at ten weeks each, the deep loss and the constant "Why?" question became my companions. The vision I had in 2022 of my angel babies - a boy and a girl playing joyfully - during a hypnosis session reminded me of hope and connection that kept me going.

Initially, the emotional burden felt like an endless race. But as time passed, I started seeing these challenges not just as roadblocks but as opportunities for personal growth. This journey pushed me to face my fears and desires, leading me to explore different healing methods and find a new sense of purpose.

Embracing Alternative Healing

Dealing with infertility and miscarriage can feel so lonely, but trying out different healing practices can give you hope. These methods really helped me find some peace and meaning during these difficult times.

Energy Healing is all about balancing your body's energy fields to clear blockages and bring back harmony. For me, it became a way to heal emotional wounds and feel complete again. I found comfort in connecting with the energy of my angel babies, knowing they were always with me, connected through love.

As with hypnosis, it helped me uncover what was holding me back from happiness and break free from negative thinking. By facing my deep grief, I rediscovered joy and purpose amid the pain of infertility.

And then there's Meditation and Mindfulness. These practices were my go-to for handling stress and anxiety, creating a space for calm and self-reflection. Meditation soon became a must in my daily schedule, giving me the strength to ride the emotional rollercoaster with more resilience.

Redefining the Race

The journey through miscarriage and infertility often involves redefining what it means to win the race. It’s not about reaching a predetermined finish line but about finding a new sense of fulfillment and purpose along the way. For me, it was all about seeing life in a whole new light.

I got back into things I used to love, like powerlifting and just going to the gym, and tried out new things, like kicking off the WOMBen Collective™ podcast. These weren't just things to pass the time but chances to learn and uncover more about who I am. Along the way, I realized that life isn't just about hitting those usual milestones; it's about the growth and self-discovery we experience on the journey.

Finding Community and Support

Connecting with others who understand your miscarriage and infertility journey, sharing stories, and finding comfort can make a world of difference. That's where the WOMBen Collective™ podcast comes in. It focuses on opening heartfelt conversations, intertwining deep experiences with a touch of spirituality.

Final Thoughts

The race against time in the face of miscarriage and infertility is a journey marked by resilience, hope, and self-discovery. While the path may be fraught with challenges, it is also filled with opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing alternative healing practices, redefining personal milestones, and finding support within a compassionate community, it’s possible to navigate this difficult journey with unyielding resolve.

For those on a similar path, remember that you are not alone. Your journey is valid, and there is potential for healing and joy beyond the struggles. By facing these challenges with courage and an open heart, you can find new sources of purpose and fulfillment.

Explore more stories, insights, and support on our WOMBen Collective™ podcast, where we delve into the journeys of those navigating profound experiences and seeking spiritual connection -- let’s find healing and wisdom.


Daisy May Reyes is a spiritual guide dedicated to helping women heal from the deep emotional wounds of pregnancy loss, miscarriage, and infertility. Drawing from her own transformative experiences, Daisy empowers women to release pain, find peace, and connect with their spirit babies. As the host of the WOMBen Collective™ podcast, she provides a compassionate space for women to explore their journeys and gain spiritual insights. Daisy's mission is to guide women toward healing, self-discovery, and a renewed sense of purpose. When she's not working, she delights in nature walks, powerlifting, and spending time with her family.